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Joseph Titles

Consecration to St. Joseph The Wonders of Our Spiritual Father

Consecration to St. Joseph The Wonders of Our Spiritual Father

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In the midst of crisis, confusion, and a world at war with the Church, it's time to come home again to our spiritual father, St. Joseph. In this richly researched and lovingly presented program of consecration to St. Joseph, Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC, brings to life the wonders, the power, and the ceaseless love of St. Joseph, Universal Patron of the Church and the Terror of Demons.
Favorite Prayers to St. Joseph

Favorite Prayers to St. Joseph

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St. Joseph obtains favors of any kind, but particularly in family problems, financial needs, purity, dangers, work, housing and a happy death. He is the universal patron---whatever our petition is, you can pray to St. Joseph with confidence. He was the foster father of Jesus Christ on earth, and Jesus still obeys his requests in heaven! God chose St. Joseph over all other men to represent the fatherhood of God Himself in the Holy Family. This book contains all the famous prayers: Novena for a Special Favor, Litany, 30 Days\' Prayer, Memorare, for Purity, Conversion, a Happy Death, etc. Priced for wide distribution! Impr. 72 pgs, PB Also available in Large Print edition.
Guardian of the Redeemer - Anniversary Edition

Guardian of the Redeemer - Anniversary Edition

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Commemorate the 25th Anniversary of Pope John Paul II's apostolic exhortation Guardian of the Redeemer. This anniversary edition provides the complete text of the apostolic exhortation, accompanied by a commentary by Joseph Atkinson, which makes Pope John Paul II's language more accessible. Reading the exhortation becomes a way to fully recognize and appreciate Saint Joseph's role in salvation history. In this special Anniversary Edition, we can delve more deeply into our understanding of the foster-father of Jesus.

Given on the feast of the Assumption, August 15, 1989, this apostolic exhortation focuses on the way Saint "Joseph, like Mary, remained faithful to God's call until the end." Pope John Paul II encourages us to consider the ways that Saint Joseph lived his faith day to day.

This 25th anniversary edition provides the complete text of the apostolic exhortation, accompanied by a commentary by Joseph Atkinson that makes Pope John Paul II's language more accessible. In six parts, readers are given a fuller understanding of Saint Joseph as guardian, husband, carpenter, and patron.

References to various religious documents and Biblical passages provide rich context for highlighting Saint Joseph's role in Christ's life and as patron of the Church today. Joseph Atkinson's commentary helps readers to understand the exhortation, and offers reflection questions and a prayer after each section. Reading the exhortation becomes a way to fully recognize and appreciate Saint Joseph's role in salvation history.

In this special Anniversary Edition, we can delve more deeply into our comprehension of the guardian of the Redeemer, husband of Mary, and patron of the Universal Church.

Imitation of Saint Joseph

Imitation of Saint Joseph

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The Church is a city set on a hill and on that hill there is a lighthouse. The Church directs her light this way and that as occasion warrants. That we might not make a shipwreck of our faith (see 1 Tm 1:19), she illuminates dangerous crags and reefs when all the world would tell us the water is clear.
Each age has its heresies, and ours is a hatred of origin, of fatherhood. But if we come from somewhere and someone, we cannot be self-made. As an anchor against the wave of patricide, a light in the darkness of our age, the Church has been fixing her light, ever increasingly, on Saint Joseph. It is him to whom we look. He is who we must imitate.
But how can we imitate that which we do not know? How do we speak about one whose words are not recorded? How do we attempt to look like one whose visage has never been captured?
It will do no good to pin virtues onto Joseph as if he were no more than a mannequin. He was and is a fact and he was and is a man, a righteous man. How can we see him?
In this illuminating work, Fr. Matthew Kauth opens our eyes to what Joseph saw, so that we might imitate what he imitated.
  • Part I examines the teachings of Aquinas to help us understand the depths of our human nature and why we come to love some things more than others, and what it means to imitate that which we love, for better or for worse.
  • Part II looks back at Joseph's lineage, providing a sweeping tour of salvation history and the patriarchs of the Old Testament, showing how Joseph was their fulfillment.
  • Part III brings us inside the life of the Holy Family, taking us along for their harrowing journeys to Bethlehem and Egypt, and their daily life in Nazareth, to show us how growing closer to Joseph and imitating him binds us to the hearts of Jesus and Mary.
  • Part IV closes with a look at our lives today and the life of the Church, and the challenges we face to live a life of virtue in a fallen world, imploring us to turn to Joseph, the Patron of the Universal Church.
  • In these pages, a true image of Joseph begins to emerge from obscurity. Silence itself begins to speak eloquently.
    Go therefore to Joseph. Imitate what you see. And live without fear under the patronage of our just father.
    Joseph the Silent

    Joseph the Silent

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    The Gospels tell us almost nothing about St. Joseph, yet his life is full of spiritual treasures. Michel Gasnier O.P., here shows you where to find them and how they can enrich your own relationship with God. In this series of brief meditations he explores St. Joseph’s work as a carpenter, his marriage, his character, the flight into Egypt, his return to Nazareth, Simeon’s prophecy, and more. He gives you an enlightening portrait of this man who remains one of the Church’s most extraordinary saints and intercessors.

    St. Joseph and His World

    St. Joseph and His World

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    “A TREMENDOUS BREAKTHROUGH” in the study of St. Joseph...

    ...There are few subjects so challenging” to authors as St. Joseph. So says scholar Scott Hahn in his foreword to this book. Yet the pages that follow give not merely glimpses, but vistas, of St. Joseph’s world. Hahn continues: “You’ll learn about Nazareth — and how it was created almost ex nihilo shortly before Joseph’s birth. You’ll learn about religious practice and education in that place and time. You’ll travel to Egypt and encounter the fascinating settlements of Jews in that land. You’ll also find out how a carpenter worked in those days: what tools he used, what items he crafted, where he got his training, and how he got to and from his job sites.” This book provides an imaginative entry into one of the most important lives in all of history — a life too often obscured by later legends. " 

    St. Joseph Gems: Daily Wisdom on Our Spiritual Father

    St. Joseph Gems: Daily Wisdom on Our Spiritual Father

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    Saint Joseph Gems: Daily Wisdom on Our Spiritual Father by Donald H. Calloway, MIC, is the largest published collection of quotes about the second-greatest saint in the Church, after the Blessed Virgin Mary!
    St. Joseph Prayer Book

    St. Joseph Prayer Book

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    Just as Saint Joseph protected Mary and Jesus and provided for their needs, his intercession from heaven can protect and provide for you. This beautiful prayer book will help you grow in friendship with Saint Joseph and ask for his powerful intercession.
    St. Joseph, My Real Estate Agent

    St. Joseph, My Real Estate Agent

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    Hundreds of thousands of people, including the author, have sold their homes under the patronage of St. Joseph, whose intercession they sought after burying his statue in their yard. The author takes a personal, humorous, light, and loving look at Joseph, depicting his life as a husband and father, homebuilder, and carpenter. He shows that the popular statue-burying practice is not a superstition, but part of a prayerful devotion. He also provides prayer services for selling a house and blessing a new home.