Marian Titles
Our Lady's appearances to young Bernadette Soubirous in Lourdes, France, in 1858 are well known and well documented. Just one year later, a lesser-known but still important Marian apparition took place in an American frontier settlement.
Based on historical documents, testimonies, personal interviews, and expert analysis, America's Mary chronicles for the first time the United States' only Church-approved Marian apparition.
In 1859 on the Door County Peninsula of northeast Wisconsin, Mary appeared three times to a young Belgian woman named Adele Brise. She identified herself as the Queen of Heaven and gave Adele instructions to teach the children their catechism, pray, do penance, sacrifice, and receive the sacraments frequently. Adele was initially met with skepticism, and during her lifetime she experienced many trials, including persecution. Still, she maintained that she was telling the truth and courageously carried on the mission the Blessed Mother had given to her.
Although the local community accepted Adele's story as real, and popular piety built up around Mary's appearances and messages, it was more than 100 years before the Church conducted a thorough investigation. In 2010, the apparition was approved.
Since then, thousands of pilgrims each year have visited the National Shrine of Our Lady of Champion in Champion, WI, seeking the Queen of Heaven's intercession for peace, healing, and help.
Our Lady’s appearances to young Bernadette Soubirous in Lourdes, France, in 1858 are well known and well documented. Just one year later, a lesser-known but still important Marian apparition took place in an American frontier settlement.
Based on historical documents, testimonies, personal interviews, and expert analysis, America’s Mary: The Story of Our Lady of Good Help chronicles for the first time the United States’ only Church-approved Marian apparition.
In 1859 on the Door County Peninsula of northeast Wisconsin, Mary appeared three times to a young Belgian woman named Adele Brise. She identified herself as the Queen of Heaven and gave Adele instructions to teach the children their catechism, pray, do penance, sacrifice, and receive the sacraments frequently. Adele was initially met with skepticism, and during her lifetime she experienced many trials, including persecution. Still, she maintained that she was telling the truth and courageously carried on the mission the Blessed Mother had given to her.
Although the local community accepted Adele’s story as real, and popular piety built up around Mary’s appearances and messages, it was more than 100 years before the Church conducted a thorough investigation. In 2010, the apparition was approved.
Since then, thousands of pilgrims each year have visited the National Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help in Champion, WI, seeking the Queen of Heaven’s intercession for peace, healing, and help.
This Marian Shrine, the only approved Marian Shrine in the USA, is about 20 minutes for our store!! Our Lady of Good Help, pray for us!
From the best-selling author of the classic Catholic conversion story, No Turning Back: A Witness to Mercy by Fr. Donald H. Calloway, comes a powerful and comprehensive history of a spiritual weapon: the rosary.
The Chaplet of the Seven Sorrows of Mary is often overlooked and underutilized. Now is the time to respond to Our Lady's call to pray this chaplet fervently.
In these pages, you will discover how your own pierced heart can become a portal of grace that opens and transforms you into all that God wants you to be, allowing you to share in the mercy and love of Christ's Sacred Heart by uniting your sufferings to His.
Equipped with an enriched understanding of redemptive suffering, Dr. Joseph Hollcraft and Ruth Berghorst guide you in the practice of mental prayer with St. Alphonsus Liguori on the Chaplet of the Seven Sorrows of Mary in response to Our Lady's request -- echoed in every contemporary Marian apparition -- to abide close to her heart and pray for the salvation of souls.
Key to obtaining the triumph of the sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Our Lady is calling upon the saints who are uniquely disposed to help us in the twenty-first century.
These include:
- St. Dymphna for mental health
- St. Joseph for family life
- St. Josephine Bakhita for human-trafficking victims
- Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati for youth
- Bl. Bartolo Longo for protection from the occult
- St. Maria Goretti for purity
- St. Hildegard of Bingen for pastoral care
Praying the Chaplet of the Seven Sorrows of Mary is akin to entering Mary's classroom to comprehend what is often deemed incomprehensible. An important book in this classroom would be about Our Lady's Seven Sorrows and how to overcome temptations and trials as she did. Among the many sufferings she endured, these particular sorrows flowed from Satan's efforts to undermine her crucial role in our redemption. This book aims to acquaint Catholics with these vital sorrows -- and the advantages Our Lady has linked to this devotion.
Though they escape the notice of many, stunning miracles of healing take place each and every day at Our Lady's Grotto in Lourdes, France. Inexplicable, biblical-like healings of body, mind, and spirit leave visitors with the gifts of peace and renewed faith. Here is the book that will move you, deepen your faith in Our Lady's active involvement in our world, and help you personally encounter Our Lord.
Marlene Watkins recounts twenty astounding true stories of miracles at Lourdes, including her own watershed healing, which inspired her to establish Our Lady of Lourdes Hospitality North American Volunteers and become the first volunteer.
In these absorbing pages, you will marvel at how these volunteer helpers bring the sick to the Grotto -- and then also experience healings themselves.
You will read the stories of people who were cured and reconciled with God -- from babies to preteens to near centenarians. You will be inspired, for instance,
In The Lamb's Supper, Hahn explored the relationship between the Book of Revelation and the Roman Catholic Mass, deftly clarifying the most subtle of theological points with analogies and anecdotes from everyday life. In Hail, Holy Queen, he employs the same accessible, entertaining style to demonstrate Mary's essential role in Christianity's redemptive message. Most Christians know that the life of Jesus is foreshadowed throughout the Old Testament. Through a close examination of the Bible, as well as the work of both Catholic and Protestant scholars and clergy, Hahn brings to light the small but significant details showing that just as Jesus is the "New Adam," so Mary is the "New Eve." He unveils the Marian mystery at the heart of the Book of Revelation and reveals how it is foretold in the very first pages of the Book of Genesis and in the story of King David's monarchy, which speaks of a privileged place for the mother of the king. Building on these scriptural and historical foundations, Hahn presents a new look at the Marian doctrines: Her Immaculate Conception, Perpetual Virginity, Assumption, and Coronation. As he guides modern-day readers through passages filled with mysteries and poetry, Hahn helps them rediscover the ancient art and science of reading the Scriptures and gain a more profound understanding of their truthfulness and relevance to faith and the practice of religion in the contemporary world.
Could your love and reverence for the Mother of God use a boost? Here's a powerful 30-day devotional to help you invigorate your love for Our Lady by exploring the many ways in which holy men and women have venerated Mary throughout time. From St. Damian of Molokai to Padre Pio, from St. Francis of Assisi to St. Thomas Aquinas, you'll learn new ways of honoring Mary that you hadn't considered previously, and you'll be heartened toward a holiness and love of God that only these illustrious spiritual teachers can inspire.
Here's a book that will be of particular value to those who are either beginning their devotion to Our Lady or whose devotion has become stagnant over time.
You'll learn how St. Kateri Tekakwitha imitated Mary's life as a consecrated virgin and offered Marian prayers that bore fruit. You'll explore St. Faustina's mystical experiences of Mary and how St. Francis de Sales's depression was healed through Our Lady's intercession. You'll also learn how Bishop Fulton Sheen relied on Mary to remain celibate, how St. Therese of Lisieux was healed by her smile, and how Mother Angelica would pray the Rosary. Author Fr. Looney also includes excerpts from the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary as well as a host of exquisite prayers and litanies to Our Lady. Here's the single book you need in this life to periodically strengthen your devotion to Our Lady by following the examples of the holy men and women who came before us and on whose shoulders we stand.Could your love and reverence for the Mother of God use a boost? Here’s a powerful 30-day devotional to help you invigorate your love for Our Lady by exploring the many ways in which holy men and women have venerated Mary throughout time. From St. Damian of Molokai to Padre Pio, from St. Francis of Assisi to St. Thomas Aquinas, you’ll learn new ways of honoring Mary that you hadn’t considered previously, and you’ll be heartened toward a holiness and love of God that only these illustrious spiritual teachers can inspire.
Here’s a book that will be of particular value to those who are either beginning their devotion to Our Lady or whose devotion has become stagnant over time.
You’ll learn how St. Kateri Tekakwitha imitated Mary’s life as a consecrated virgin and offered Marian prayers that bore fruit. You’ll explore St. Faustina’s mystical experiences of Mary and how St. Francis de Sales’s depression was healed through Our Lady’s intercession. You’ll also learn how Bishop Fulton Sheen relied on Mary to remain celibate, how St. Thérèse of Lisieux was healed by her smile, and how Mother Angelica would pray the Rosary.
Author Fr. Looney also includes excerpts from the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary as well as a host of exquisite prayers and litanies to Our Lady.
Here’s the single book you need in this life to periodically strengthen your devotion to Our Lady by following the examples of the holy men and women who came before us and on whose shoulders we stand.
“How can we save civilization?” It’s becoming a common question. As the world descends into chaos, Christians are thinking deeply about how to stem the tide. Many options have been presented to overcome Christian persecution and cultural decadence, but the The Marian Option is one that is already in motion…and has been for centuries.
Dr. Carrie Gress provides a thoroughly researched account of the significant cultural and military events where Mary interceded on behalf us, her children.
With a detective’s eye, Gress uncovers the fascinating details of Mary’s role in major geopolitical shifts, showing how instrumental Our Mother was in:
- Freeing Spain from Islamic occupation
- Igniting the largest mass conversion to Catholicism in history
- Leading an unassuming priest to bring down the world’s most powerful empire without firing a shot
- Stomping out heresies and false teachings from the Church
Beyond the battlefield, The Marian Option also highlights the link between Marian devotion and culture, showing how the arts flourish when devotion to her is strong.
If we want to protect our children and our faith—if we want to restore civilization to Christ—Mary is the key. Not only is she keenly interested in assisting Christians, she has the ability to do so, even in the face of the gravest odds. We just have to ask.
The Marian Option will leave you with a new perspective on the Blessed Mother, a renewed hope in the future of the Church and the world.
First Guardian of the Faith explains the biblical and apostolic roots of Mary s title as Theotokos, her Perpetual Virginity, Immaculate Conception, and Assumption into heaven.
Raised in an atheist household, Sally Read nevertheless saw images of the Blessed Virgin Mary from earliest childhood—and they remained with her in the most remarkable ways. Conscious of the conflict between her feminist values and what came to be a fascination with Marian art, Read—through tumultuous relationships, loneliness, and distant places—began a unique quest to discover the true essence of Mary.
These pages contain the strange, raw, and epiphany-filled stories that led to Read’s dramatic nine-month conversion from atheism to Catholicism. Focusing not only on Read’s life but also on the lives of others who, knowingly or unknowingly, encountered the Virgin, this literary memoir is a testimony of how a Mother patiently brought one child home to her Son—and slowly revealed her own heart.
This is a Marian consecration that people don't want to see end. Healing miracles, reunited families, and Catholic conversions are resulting from this self-guided retreat. Mary's Mantle Consecration, endorsed by Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone and Bishop Myron J. Cotta, offers an outpouring of grace upon your life and loved ones. St. Pope John Paul II said that his consecration to Mary was "a decisive turning point in my life." It can be the same for you.
Mary's Mantle Consecration comes to us in tumultuous times. Today it is important that we consecrate ourselves to the Mother of God--entrusting our lives to her protection, guidance, and care, and inviting her to conform us to the likeness of her Son. There is so much need and brokenness in the world, in the Church, in our families, and in our hearts. By preparing for consecration through the power of the Rosary, a little fasting, and a two-minute reading of a beautiful daily meditation on a virtue or gift of the Holy Spirit (people's favorite part), we can expect heaven's help.
This retreat is perfect for individuals, couples, families, groups and parishes. To dive even deeper into God's graces, a companion workbook, Mary's Mantle Consecration Prayer Journal, also offers quotes from saints, passages of Scripture, and insightful questions for reflection. Are you willing to do your part and give God a chance?
Winner of a 2020 Catholic Press Association book award (second place, pilgrimages-Catholic travel).
In My Queen, My Mother: A Living Novena, award-winning author Marge Steinhage Fenelon brings you along on a pilgrimage to nine Marian shrines across the United States. Each day of this spiritual journey helps you encounter God and a deeper relationship with the Blessed Mother.
"My Queen, My Mother, I give myself entirely to you."
The opening line to the Little Consecration sets the framework of this unique, nine-day pilgrimage, which culminates in a consecration to Mary.
This living novena is similar in style and structure to the pilgrimage Fenelon developed in the bestselling and award-winning Our Lady, Undoer of Knots. The key difference, however, is that the first living novena was framed by Pope Francis's visit to the Holy Land. For My Queen, My Mother, Fenelon chose sacred destinations that reflect the Catholic heritage of the United States.
The nine Marian sites Fenelon visits are:
Even if you can't make a physical pilgrimage as Fenelon did, you can still make a spiritual one through her extended guided meditation. Each day you'll learn about a different shrine to Mary: its history, charism, and graces. Fenelon will also guide you to visit a new "place" in your heart, to understand more about yourself and how to open your heart more fully to Mary.
You are not tied to a pilgrimage of nine consecutive days: You can complete the spiritual journey in nine weeks or even nine months. There are reflection questions at the end of each chapter.
Who would have thought that the Blessed Mother would choose to come to Fatima, that remote farming village on a rocky slope in Portugal? No one was more surprised than Lucia, Jacinta, and Francisco, the little shepherds to whom she appeared in 1917.
In this 27th volume of the acclaimed Vision Books series for youth, readers will be enthralled by the story of the village and its people, of the scornful neighbors and the puzzled parents. Above all, it is a warm story of three little ones who insisted that Our Lady had indeed come to Fatima, and from whose faith grew one of the greatest spiritual movements of our time. Illustrated.
"A series which should be found wherever there are young Catholic readers."
--Ave Maria
When Servant of God Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres received her famous apparitions -- the Quito apparitions -- from Our Lady, she was so appalled that she died. A doctor confirmed her shocking death. But thankfully, when her sisters prayed, she was raised to life again.
Here James Valois masterfully recounts the stunning prophecies of Our Lady of Good Success of the Purification, which, though they occurred four hundred years ago in the capital city of Ecuador, concern the current crisis in the Church and the world. Approved by Bishop Salvador Ribera Avalos in 1611 and by every bishop in Ecuador since that time, these apparitions are for our era.
The relevance of many of these prophecies to today's events, spoken, as they were, about what would begin in the twentieth century and spill over into the twenty-first, is remarkable. Their gripping messages foretell the radical changes in customs and the disturbing state of our modern world that we are facing.
Our Blessed Mother's enlightening words to Mother Mariana de Jesus -- a humble nun renowned for her holiness -- bear similarities to the prophecies of Our Lady of Fatima. Although some of the portents are alarming, the promises of hope shine through the darkness of our current crisis.
Our Lady's revelatory words pierce to the heart of our present state of affairs: the attacks on the Church from without and within, targeting the sacraments, the priesthood, and the family. You will be enthralled by:
At such a dark hour, it may appear that all is lost and Christian civilization has ended forever -- but this is not the case. Mother Mariana de Jesus offered her life as a victim soul; the miracles and mystical graces won through her heroic life, and the spiritual phenomena she experienced, continue to result in marvelous transformations of holiness today. Above all, Mother Mary's messages are a call for conversion and renewal and for defenders of the Faith to arise in the face of cultural opposition, join the spiritual battle, and help secure the ultimate triumph, which is the salvation of the world.
In his 18th century masterpiece, True Devotion to Mary, St. Louis de Montfort tells us that the quickest, easiest, and most efficacious path to Jesus is through the Blessed Virgin Mary. In her 1917 appearances at Fatima, Mary repeatedly urged us to pray the Rosary daily.
Since Mary is the best path to Jesus and since she herself insists on daily recitation of the Rosary, Fr. Ed Broom has developed this powerful do-it-yourself retreat that culminates in the total consecration to Jesus through Mary by focusing on the Mysteries of the Rosary and the Seven Sorrows of Mary - and all it takes is a few moments each day!
For years Fr. Ed Broom has transformed lives by leading this five-week retreat in Southern California. Now, for the very first time, that retreat is available in book form for those who cannot attend one of Father's retreats in person. Here you'll find the entire retreat program to bring you closer to Our Lady and to Our Lord: Scripture readings keyed to each Rosary decade, Fr. Broom's succinct meditations on each Mystery, daily prayers, and wise but practical steps to help you gain the most from each meditation as you draw daily closer to your retreat's culmination in the fifth week: your own Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary.
Why not spend the next five weeks with Fr. Broom meditating on the mysteries of the Rosary and the words of Scripture? Do so, and you'll quickly come to appreciate as never before the beautiful prayer that is the Rosary as well as Jesus and Mary, whom you will soon know better and love more.
In his 18th century masterpiece, True Devotion to Mary, St. Louis de Montfort tells us that the quickest, easiest, and most efficacious path to Jesus is through the Blessed Virgin Mary. In her 1917 appearances at Fatima, Mary repeatedly urged us to pray the Rosary daily.
Since Mary is the best path to Jesus and since she herself insists on daily recitation of the Rosary, Fr. Ed Broom has developed this powerful do-it-yourself retreat that culminates in the total consecration to Jesus through Mary by focusing on the Mysteries of the Rosary and the Seven Sorrows of Mary — and all it takes is a few moments each day!
For years Fr. Ed Broom has transformed lives by leading this five-week retreat in Southern California. Now, for the very first time, that retreat is available in book form for those who cannot attend one of Father's retreats in person. Here you'll find the entire retreat program to bring you closer to Our Lady and to Our Lord: Scripture readings keyed to each Rosary decade, Fr. Broom's succinct meditations on each Mystery, daily prayers, and wise but practical steps to help you gain the most from each meditation as you draw daily closer to your retreat's culmination in the fifth week: your own Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary.
Why not spend the next five weeks with Fr. Broom meditating on the mysteries of the Rosary and the words of Scripture? Do so, and you'll quickly come to appreciate as never before the beautiful prayer that is the Rosary as well as Jesus and Mary, whom you will soon know better and love more.
Winner of a 2020 Catholic Press Association book award (second place, theology-morality, ethics, Christology, Mariology, and redemption).
The earliest of Mary's apparitions can be traced back to the first century of the Church and have continued into modern times, inspiring the faithful to devotion to her and to a deeper love of Christ her son.
In Virgin, Mother, Queen, popular radio and television host Michael O'Neill gathers fascinating details from Mary's mystical appearances around the world. Robert Fastiggi, professor of systemic theology at Sacred Heart Major Seminary, answers questions about the historical and theological development of Marian teachings throughout Church history.
The ten, Church-sanctioned apparitions and their corresponding titles of Mary are:
Virgin, Mother, Queen includes full-color illustrations and recounts in story and teaching why the apparitions and titles of Mary continue to be relevant today. Each chapter contains traditional prayers associated with these historic Marian shrines.
The world-changing appearance of Our Lady at Fatima ushered in a continuing series of remarkable apparitions worldwide that the Church has either officially approved or marked as likely-authentic. Author and Mariologist Wincenty Laszewski summarizes the powerful and urgent messages of these apparitions in this unparalleled, encyclopedic work-instantly the new standard on the subject. Most of these riveting chapters include portentous warnings - some are ominous, others more hopeful. This stunning book serves as a wake-up call to the faithful and is a worldwide clarion call to deeper prayer and conversion. It includes:
Each message and appearance is analyzed and quoted precisely. Their sheer abundance is enough to absorb believing Catholics-and many a skeptic-from all walks of life and reading habits. A partial listing of those described includes:
This compelling book for young readers was released in 2008 during the 150th anniversary of the heavenly apparitions to Saint Bernadette. In 1858, 14-year-old Bernadette saw the Blessed Virgin Mary in Lourdes, France. Millions of pilgrims now visit the site every year and many are healed by the miraculous spring that emerged there. Yellow Roses on Her Feet is a beautifully written drama of Bernadette's gentle courage in the face of desperate poverty, illness, official threats and intrusive publicity. The book's easy-to-read style draws readers through her captivating life to a finale of beauty and hope.