The devotion of the Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary was given to the Church for the specific purpose of blinding Satan so that he loses his influence over our families, our communities-over all people.
The movement began with the heart of the poor and humble Hungarian mystic and Third-Order Carmelite, Elizabeth Kindelmann (1913-1985), when she heard the voices of Jesus and Mary through interior locutions between the years 1961 and 1983. The result is this Spiritual Diary, written at the request of Our Lord Jesus, which has received the Imprimatur of the Church and gifted the world untold blessings for our critical times.
Jesus said to Kindelmann, "My Mother is Noah's Ark," and Mary told her, "I assure you, my little one, that I have never before given into your hands such a powerful force of grace, the burning flame of the love of my heart. Ever since the Word became Flesh, I have not undertaken a greater movement than the Flame of Love of my heart who rushes to you. Until now, nothing could blind Satan as much. And it is up to you not to reject it, for this rejection would simply spell disaster."
The Flame of Love movement is an official Church association of the faithful, enjoying the heartfelt approval of His Eminence Cardinal Péter Erdö, Primate of Hungary, Archbishop of Eszertom-Budapest, and the approval of various bishops in whose dioceses it flourishes, as well as a 2013 apostolic blessing from Pope Francis.
God is seeking to build up a holy army of souls in order help us to fight the battle ahead that leads to sure victory for those firm in faith. In this remarkable Spiritual Diary, you follow the life and divine conversations of one of the greatest mystics of the 20th century, learn of the prayers and weekly prayer schedule that effectively blind Satan, and of the divine promises Our Lord wishes to give to us through the intercession of His Mother's Immaculate Heart.
By unearthing a great variety of magisterial documents, the author sheds light on a number of mysteries: how Fatima relates to the definitive coming of the Kingdom at the end of the world; how Vatican II was a prophetic council oriented towards the return of the Lord; and how the popes have consistently linked the era of peace to the definitive renewal of the world after the Last Judgement--and how they have discerned that our own times are ripe for the persecution of the Antichrist. Heralds of the Second Coming lifts the veil on the last stage of salvation history, as proclaimed by the popes from Pius IX to Benedict XVI.
Heaven is even more amazing than you've ever imagined
All of us long to know what life after death will be like. Bestselling author John Burke is no exception.
In Imagine Heaven, he compares more than one hundred gripping stories of near-death experiences (NDEs) to what Scripture says about our biggest questions of Heaven, including:
● Will I be myself?
● Will I see friends and loved ones?
● What will Heaven look like?
● What will we do forever?
● What about children and pets?
Burke shows how the common experiences shared by thousands of near-death survivors--including doctors, college professors, bank presidents, people of all ages and cultures, and even blind people--point to the exhilarating picture of Heaven promised in the Bible.
This thrilling journey into the afterlife will make you feel like you've been there, forever changing the way you view the life to come--and the way you live your life today.
The continuous True Presence of Christ with us in the Blessed Sacrament is good news worth sharing!
This book of heart-felt reflections on the Holy Eucharist demonstrates that devotion to this profound Sacrament is fundamental to our Faith.
As millions flock to alleged sites of supernatural significance around the world, we sometimes overlook the most humbling sites of all--our own Churches and hearts where Christ chooses to dwell Eucharistically! A great tool for evangelizing.
A single woman evicted from her family home. A terrifying specter that only she sees. A dark connection between his past and hers...
After her father's tragic death and her mother's recent passing, loss leaves an emptiness Jeannie Lyons can't fill. Now she must leave her family home, the one place where her parents' memory still lives.
An old house on the edge of town becomes Jeannie's new home, one too big for her and her three-legged cat, but she soon gets the impression she's not alone. Her brother blames her overactive imagination. Her sister-in-law suggests counseling. Her would-be boyfriend is the only one who believes her, but can she trust him? With nowhere to turn, Jeannie must face her inner demons and confront this soul from beyond the grave.
Set in modern times, this supernatural thriller is loosely based on the apparitions to Eugenie von der Leyen (1867-1929).
This highly acclaimed and captivating book offers the world the most thorough understanding to date of "the Warning," or "the Illumination of Conscience"--a critical moment in human history when every person alive will see their soul in the light of divine truth--including fascinating stories of those who have already experienced it for themselves.
"Christine Watkins has done a tremendous work...invaluable and timely" says Mark Mallet. Bishop Gavin Ashenden, Chaplain to the Queen of England (2008-2017) comments in his foreword to the book, "I devoured it, unable to put it down."..."Inspirational...I highly recommend it," says Fr. John Struzzo. Monsignor Ralph J. Chieffo urges, "Read this prophetic book and believe," Dr. Mark Miravalle writes, "THE WARNING should be widely read and discerned seriously with an open mind," and Fr. Bernardin Mugabo makes the heartfelt appeal, "I wish everyone would read this!"
Bishop Ashenden, begins his foreword with, "Every so often a book falls into one's hands that is particularly powerful in unveiling the mystery and power of God's purpose for his Church today, and this is one such. If you are wondering whether or not you should take the time to read it, let me strongly encourage you to do so."
The prophecies of the Warning, as outlined and illustrated in this book, have come to us through saints and mystics, including St. Pope Pius IX, St. Pope Paul VI, St. Faustina Kowalska, Blessed Anna Maria Taigi, and Servant of God, Maria Esperanza. Some of these spiritual luminaries are still alive, such as exorcist, mystic, and Superior General, Fr. Michel Rodrigue; stigmatist and mystic, Janie Garza; and founder of the Dynamic Catholic Institute, Matthew Kelly.
Not only does THE WARNING substantiate an event of monumental importance, which appears to be on the horizon of time, but also carries the reader through compelling testimonies of those who have already experienced it personally and against their will. The book culminates in the spell-binding story of Marino Restrepo, hailed as a St. Paul for our century. Formerly a well-to-do Hollywood music producer who sank into serious sin and the New Age movement, he endured a torturous kidnapping by Colombian guerilla rebels for over half a year, during which he experienced an illumination of conscience. In addition, he received a unique gift of infused knowledge of divine matters, which he has been sharing with the world since 1999 in his world-wide, bishop-approved apostolate. And his is only one of the stories. . .
The prophecies and testimonies of the Illumination of Conscience promise to astound, entertain, challenge, and prepare those who read this book and who believe.