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Parish Ministry

101 Questions & Answers on Deacons

101 Questions & Answers on Deacons

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This timely book provides the general reader with a clear, succinct introduction to the diaconate and addresses the perplexing and commonly-asked questions and myths that have been raised about deacons, their sacramental identity, their functions, and their relationships. Although the position of deacon was commonplace in the early church, the order became a transitional one from the 6th century until Vatican II reinstated the post of "permanent" deacon in the late 1960s. Since then, the diaconate rapidly became the fastest growing of all church vocations. While many Catholics are aware of deacons, most have very little idea why the diaconate was renewed as a permanent order of ordained ministry or even why deacons exist! In addition, more than 90% of deacons are married, which adds to the confusion of Catholics who have only experienced a celibate clergy. Now they are presented with a predominantly married clergy involved in the leadership and service of the Church. This book answers such commonly asked questions as: - Just who and what is a deacon? - After all these centuries, what led the Council to restore the diaconate as a permanent order of ministry? - What sort of training and formation do deacons receive? - How does a deacon balance family, job, and ordained ministry? - Can a deacon be pastor of a parish? Taken together, these questions explore the role of deacons in the contemporary church, the formation of deacons, what it is like to live as a deacon, and the role of deacons as ministers of the word, the liturgy, and as apostolic leaders in service. +
60 Days to Becoming A Missionary Disciple

60 Days to Becoming A Missionary Disciple

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Father John Bartunek insightfully combines Bible passages and Church teaching with practical and actionable advice that you can apply to your daily life. Throughout the book, he clarifies commonly misunderstood terms like mission, apostolate, evangelization, and new evangelization. The book also helps those pursuing Christ to take the next step in spiritual maturity. By identifying where you need to grow, you'll experience renewed enthusiasm and discover a new depth to your prayer life.
Becoming a Parish of Intentional Disciples

Becoming a Parish of Intentional Disciples

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In the new, groundbreaking book Becoming a Parish of Intentional Disciples, author and Catherine of Siena Institute co-founder Sherry Weddell has gathered fellow Church workers whose years of service in parish ministry have yielded hard-earned wisdom and enthusiasm for the work of transforming Catholic parishes into lively, faithful centers of apostolic outreach.
Called to Serve-A guide for Altar Servers

Called to Serve-A guide for Altar Servers

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Don't let servers attend the altar until they've read this guide! Covers the Sacramentary, Lectionary, Order of the Mass, and much more. Includes the Revised Order of Mass.
Co-Workers in the Vineyard of the Lord

Co-Workers in the Vineyard of the Lord

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Co-workers in the Vineyard of the Lord offers pastoral and theological reflections on the reality of lay ecclesial ministry, affirmation of those who serve in this way, and a synthesis of best thinking and practice.
Deacon at Mass A Theological and Pastoral Guide 2nd. edition

Deacon at Mass A Theological and Pastoral Guide 2nd. edition

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This second edition of The Deacon at Mass situates the role of the Deacon at Liturgy based on the new General Instruction on the Roman Missal (GIRM). A step-by-step handbook for deacons through the eucharistic celebration, this text looks at everything a deacon must do (read the gospel), may do (preach a homily), and may never do (sing the concluding doxology). Study questions follow each chapter. Noteworthy in the second edition: *The original edition had the benefit of drawing on the new GIRM, and while nothing in the GIRM has changed, we have the added benefit of the final English translations. *Questions raised by readers and reviewers of the original edition are answered. *An expanded introduction addresses specific issues related to the preparation and translation of liturgical books in general, and each subsequent chapter now includes references and guidance related to the approved English translation. +
Eucharistic Reservation

Eucharistic Reservation

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In eucharistic adoration, the faithful spend time in the presence of Christ, who in turn is present to them. In communion services, the faithful unable to participate in the sacrifice of the Mass can still receive its fruit. The Catholic Church wraps both ceremonies inside a larger book called Holy Communion and Worship of the Eucharistic Mystery outside Mass. A revised English translation invites a renewed acquaintance with these forms of prayer. Where did they come from? What is their purpose? How are they best celebrated? In Eucharistic Reservation, Paul Turner explains the new translation of these guidelines and refreshes all those who find delight in the eucharistic presence of Christ even when Mass is over.
Fruitful Discipleship: Living the Mission of Jesus in the Church and the World

Fruitful Discipleship: Living the Mission of Jesus in the Church and the World

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"As faith-filled Catholics, we are called to go out and spread the good news of the Gospel, build up the Church, and fuel its mission. We are supernaturally empowered by God to do this through the charisms we receive at Baptism. Learn about each charism, what they are, and how discipleship unleashes these powerful gifts to produce fruit that lasts"
Integrity Restored-Helping Catholic Families Win against Pornography

Integrity Restored-Helping Catholic Families Win against Pornography

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Pornography is no longer just a men's issue. Dr. Peter Kleponis presents an alarming in-depth look at the pornography epidemic that is ruining lives, marriages, families, and careers and hindering life-giving relationships with God. Read the stories of real people men, women, clergy, seminarians, and teens who've suffered from addictions to pornography and went on to find healing. Freedom is possible. Integrity can be restored.
Light in the Darkness - Preparing Better Catholic Funerals

Light in the Darkness - Preparing Better Catholic Funerals

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Although the Catholic funeral rite has not changed in the past few decades, society has. Parishes have new questions to face that their liturgical book does not consider: eulogies by family members, the final disposition of cremated remains, and the collapse of the traditional three-stage funeral liturgy. Light in the Darkness takes a fresh look at the pastoral challenges society is posing, while giving concrete suggestions for implementing the vision of the Catholic Church's Order of Christian Funerals. The appendix includes catechetical materials for families planning a funeral and an extended commentary on all the Scripture readings for a funeral Mass.
One Disciple at a Time

One Disciple at a Time

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What if the Church radically shifted the focus of her mission to making disciples one person at a time?

Everett Fritz outlines a framework for one-to-one outreach that helps us develop as mentors in faith, furthering the Kingdom of God as Jesus commanded when he told us to go and make disciples. When we learn how to focus on a ministry of one, we will multiply our efforts to create a movement that meets the spiritual needs of many.

Whether you're someone who's actively involved in professional or volunteer ministry or an everyday Catholic who wants to share your faith, One Disciple at a Time reveals how you can live out your calling to spread the Gospel by focusing on forming disciples one at a time.

Drawing on insights gleaned from his personal spiritual journey and work in Catholic parish ministry, Fritz--founder and executive director of Andrew Ministries--shares practical steps for transforming our approach to living our faith and sharing it with others. In this book, you will learn:

  • There is great power in a personal invitation because it becomes the seed to develop a relationship.
  • If you want to make a lifelong disciple of Jesus Christ, you have to be committed to accompany them throughout their lifetime.
  • Lessons from Jesus's relationship with Simon Peter can transform the way we mentor in faith.
  • Taking someone from disciple to sainthood requires assisting that person with the crosses that they bear, as well as witnessing to the reality of the cross in your own life.
  • Formation needs to include identifying the person's God-given gifts and working with them to use those gifts to build up the Church.
  • Pastoring Mulitple Parishes Emerging Models of Pastoral Leadership

    Pastoring Mulitple Parishes Emerging Models of Pastoral Leadership

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    In Pastoring Multiple Parishes, Kate Wiskus, and Mark Mogilka share with readers what works and what doesn't when parishes must turn to the method of multiple-parish pastoring. Above all, the authors help Catholics see this growing trend neither as a negative consequence of past mistakes nor as a present situation to be dreaded, but rather as a wonderful opportunity for future stability and growth of faith.
    Room 24 Adventures of an Evangelist

    Room 24 Adventures of an Evangelist

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    Five years after she graduated from high school, teacher, youth minister, and sought-after speaker Katie Prejean McGrady returned to her alma mater in Lake Charles, Louisiana, to teach freshman theology. In the early years of her career, McGrady’s hormonal, sometimes grumpy, and often confused students taught her what it means to evangelize. Her frequently witty and always candid stories—and the ten lessons she offers—will inspire anyone who works with youth in the Church today.

    As she began her first year of teaching, McGrady was eager to impart the Catholic doctrine she loves to her class in room 24 at St. Louis Catholic high school, but she was quickly rattled by the magnitude of the task, especially when she was challenged by a teen who said he didn’t believe. In ten brief and compelling chapters, McGrady shares humorous and hopeful interactions she’s had with her students that helped her learn that teaching them about Jesus and his Church is not as important as knowing them, loving them, and inviting them to know and love Jesus as a personal friend and savior.

    Her frequent mistakes and occasional successes with her students taught McGrady how to evangelize young people by building relationships in joyful, humble, and prayerful ways. Likewise, McGrady determined that the power of inviting conversation, welcoming questions, and witnessing to faith through personal stories engages students and helps them fall in love with Jesus.

    Start with Jesus - How Everyday Disciples Will Renew the Church

    Start with Jesus - How Everyday Disciples Will Renew the Church

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    2019 Best Book Awards, Finalist: Religion--Christianity
    2020 Catholic Press Association, 3rd Place: Future Church
    2020 International Book Awards, Winner: Religion--Christianity

    Take a moment and ask yourself: does every activity in my parish point more deeply to Jesus?

    Julianne Stanz wants to help you and your parish community make sure the answer to this question is a resounding, "Yes!" Serving parishes in her diocese as the Director of New Evangelization, Stanz has recognized a practical and motivational way to restructure a parish's mission - start with Jesus.

    Start with Jesus is a book about people, process, and culture, rather than an emphasis on quick fixes or unsustainable efforts. She aims to help regular people be transformed from the inside out by growing in relationship with Jesus Christ through individual and group experiences, thus transforming our parish communities.

    Start with Jesus will be an essential resource for decision-makers and thought-leaders in parishes, but its true strength lies in its value for the countless Catholics longing for peace, healing, and hope in the context of our parish communities. It will be an inspiration to Catholics who come to Mass each week, parents trying to instill the faith in their children, leaders searching for an effective and sustainable approach to parish renewal, and to all who are curious about developing a relationship with Jesus. ​

    Tools for Rebuilding 75 Really, Really Practical Ways to Make Your Parish Better

    Tools for Rebuilding 75 Really, Really Practical Ways to Make Your Parish Better

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    Michael White and Tom Corcoran know that the fundamental work of the Church is to evangelise - to introduce people to Christ and make them disciples. Still, they're the first to admit: 'the difficulty comes when we reach down into the details and get to work.' In 'Tools for Rebuilding', White and Corcoran share 75 foundational tactics that helped rejuvenate their parish. Their candid, hands-on advice gives a clear way forward - one that will make Church matter to the people in the pews and that anyone working in parish ministry can implement.