Written in the author's personal, conversational style, complete with puns and other bits of humor, 21 Ways to Worship is an easy to read, practical guide, jam-packed with inspiring ideas, techniques, and prayers to help you make the most of your time in Adoration.
It's a perfect resource for the beginner wondering what Adoration is all about, and for the veteran adorer looking for additional ideas.
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Solidly rooted in Scripture, this book includes an extensive collection of Eucharistic adoration prayers, such as prayers at Mass, Marian prayers, prayers of the saints, novenas, litanies, and more. The leatherette cover provides a classic look and resistance to wear and tear.
The Eucharist is the source and summit of our Catholic Faith. Every time Mass is celebrated, the bread and wine on the altar are consecrated and truly become the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ.
Adoration grows out of the impulse of the heart to worship Christ's true presence, and Catholics of all ages, including and especially young people, are encouraged to participate. In this adoration treasury, written by two Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration -- a religious order dedicated to perpetual adoration of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament -- young Catholics will find a multitude of prayers, hymns, meditations, and ways to pray before the Eucharist, accompanied by beautiful illustrations.
Perfect to take with you to Mass or Eucharistic adoration, this book is sure to become a treasured keepsake that helps inspire young Catholics to fall in love with the Real Presence of Jesus Christ.
Eight modern saints invite you to follow their example to live the Beatitudes--the heart of Jesus's teaching--in your own life.
Through her beautiful full-color art, scripture passages, journaling prompts, and original prayers inspired by the Our Father, popular Catholic artist Jen Norton will guide you to put the Beatitudes into practice as she challenges you to examine the state of your own heart and your willingness to grow in holiness.
Norton compares living what Jesus taught in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:3-13) with climbing a mountain--a difficult, irregular, sometimes fear-filled path that eventually leads to a great reward. But she says that like the saints, if you trust God beyond your own understanding, the end of the climb is heaven.
You will learn about each of the Beatitudes from modern saints, including
This book is perfect for personal or group use.
If the greatest legacy of the Council of Baltimore in 1884 was the Baltimore Catechism, a close second was this definitive book of prayers. Issued in 1889 to fulfill that council's call for an authoritative and comprehensive compilation of traditional prayers and devotions in English, this magnificent 672-page collection became the constant companion of laity and clergy and a devotional mainstay of Catholic families for generations.
This manual is a window into Catholic piety and worship as practiced in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. It remains the gold standard for other traditional books of prayer and an invaluable treasure trove of the rich heritage of our Faith. In these timeless pages, you will discover:
- A full liturgical calendar
- Tables of feasts and fasts
- Brief summaries of Christian doctrine and practice
- A Latin-English Sunday Missal
- Prayers for the Church, families, and individuals
- Breviary prayers and chants
- Prayers for Eucharistic Adoration
- Devotions to our Lord, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and the saints
- Prayers for the sick, the suffering, the dying, and the deceased
- Sacred hymns and sequences for feasts throughout the year
Moreover, you will find thorough instructions for devoutly hearing Mass; preparing for, receiving, and making a fruitful thanksgiving after Holy Communion; and examining your conscience, making a good Confession, and growing in virtue. General instructions on receiving the sacraments are also included, along with the rites for all of the sacraments (except Holy Orders), as well as general and seasonal blessings.
In addition, many liturgical prayers are featured in Latin as well as in English, along with a detailed index for easy referencing. This rare gem of a book will help you and your loved ones drink deeply of the Faith of our Fathers and cherish it for years to come.
Whether you've just begun to pray or have been faithfully praying for years, the wisdom in this book will help you pray better. It will rescue your prayers from distraction and superficiality and transform them into real occasions for communion with God.
Fr. Lawrence Lovasik here clears away misunderstandings that many people have about prayer -- and shows you innumerable ways you can avoid common obstacles and deepen your prayer life, no matter how much or how little you may have prayed before.
You'll learn what prayer is, why it's necessary, and how to practice the essential forms of Catholic prayer. You'll discover how the Church's sacraments fortify your prayer -- and how prayer, in turn, enhances your reception of the sacraments. You'll find out how to bring to your own prayers the qualities that make prayer effective. Your prayers will become more heartfelt, more focused, and more full of love for God.
Soon your prayer will fill you with a divine peace and joy that no one will be able to take from you. You'll achieve the glorious aim of all prayer: union with God!
You'll grow in prayer and in the graces it brings you as you learn:
Considered by many to be the greatest book of Marian spirituality in one volume, True Devotion to Mary is St. Louis de Montfort's classic statement on the spiritual way to Jesus Christ though the Blessed Virgin Mary. In Behold the Handmaid of the Lord, Marian theologian Fr. Edward Looney masterfully summarizes the central teachings of St. Louis in a ten-day personal retreat that will bless even those who have completed the full devotion.
During the course of ten days, you'll explore ten different titles for Mary popularized by St. Louis. Each presents a distinct aspect of her motherhood and protection while illuminating the spiritual path to Jesus through Mary.
You'll get to know Mary and become devoted to her as:
Each day you will reflect on Mary's role in your life and the practical implications of that connection before wrapping up with a brief closing prayer tailored to the day's title. You'll come away prepared to begin or renew your consecration to Mary and with a refreshed love for the Mother of Jesus.
The book includes an appendix for step-by-step consecration to Mary.
Winner of a third-place award for prayer books from the Association of Catholic Publishers.
Bless Us, O Lord belongs on the shelf of every Catholic family that wants to pray together daily. You can introduce children to original and traditional blessings, the lives of the saints, the rhythm of the Church year, and the practice of daily prayer in a way that is both appealing to them and a means to unite your whole family.Praying together at the table helps families recognize the presence of Jesus in their midst and make connections between their meal and the celebration of the Eucharist.
Author Robert M. Hamma brings his warm and gentle spirit to original prayers, which he combines with traditional blessings to offer an open-and-go resource for parents and caregivers. He provides the perfect words for every occasion--from observing saint feast days and liturgical seasons to celebrating a child's birthday and remembering the life of a loved one. Bless Us, O Lord will help you with fresh ideas and tools for living the liturgy in your home and nourishing the souls of your children with stories of the saints, including prayers for
Show your child's teacher just how much you value her dedication and hard work with the Blessings for a Great Teacher Hardcover Gift Book as part of a teacher appreciation gift. This charming book serves as a heartwarming token of appreciation for the educators who invest their time and energy in nurturing young minds. With a colorful collection of inspirational quotes and Scripture, it's an ideal way to express gratitude and encouragement.
Brian Doyle was a one-of-a-kind author who wrote one-of-a-kind prayers about everyday subjects that help readers change the way they see the world.
Prayers for cashiers and good shoes; for shorter sermons and better senators; prayers for the bruised, foolish, glorious, stumbling, brilliant Church; for chaplains and mathematicians; for idiot authors and muddy dogs: These are the most heartfelt and headlong prayers you will ever read and share--the grinning, snarling prayers we mouth quietly in the car and the shower and the pub, the small chapels of our everyday life.
Doyle said he aimed to write short pieces that functioned like "arrows to the heart." This book is a quiver full of those sharp arrows, "stealth theology" that explores everyday encounters--from nuns to possums, from Chet Baker to Port-A-Potties--through a Catholic, sacramental imagination.
Since Doyle's death in 2017 from a brain tumor, enthusiasm for his award-winning writing has only swelled, whether it's his quirky prayers, kinetic essays, or magical novels such as Mink River and The Plover. This tenth anniversary edition of A Book of Uncommon Prayer includes a new foreword from his wife, Mary, and an afterword from his good friend Peter Boland, who delivered the eulogy at Doyle's funeral.
“That’s why the Church is undergoing this National Eucharistic Revival,” explains the Very Rev. Chris Alar, MIC, provincial superior of the Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception. “Far too many people have no idea that they’re missing out, or know what they’re missing. People are very casual about missing Mass, ignoring times of Adoration, and often don’t live as though God Almighty was living in their midst in the tabernacles across the world. But whether or not anyone remembers, that’s the truth of the matter. God is here. God is with us. He always has been, sustaining everything, but when He took on flesh and dwelt among us, He gave us an enduring Sacrament of His presence, as well.
“We’ll discuss our Church’s Eucharistic faith in this booklet, equipping you to revive your own Eucharistic devotion as well as to share that devotion with others. We’ll talk about the Church’s plans for this Revival, as well as the witness St. Faustina and others have given to the power and reality of Jesus’ Real Presence in the Eucharist.
“This is some of the most critically important information you’ll ever read. So buckle up, and be ready to be blown away by the goodness and mercy of Jesus, the Eucharistic Lord.”
The new Catholic Book of Novenas offers more than thirty of the most popular Novenas specifically arranged in accord with the Liturgical Year on the Feasts of Jesus, Mary, and many favorite Saints. By popular Catholic Book Publishing author Rev. Lawrence G. Lovasik, S.V.D., This book has a beautiful Dura-Lux cover and is an excellent volume for private-prayer Novenas. The large size print is perfect for those who have limited vision.
The Catholic Book of Prayers from Catholic Book Publishing is printed in giant size type and especially helpful for use in dimly lit churches and for those with limited vision. Today\'s most popular general prayer book, the Catholic Book of Prayers offers prayers for every day, as well as many special prayers including prayers to the Blessed Trinity, Our Lady, and the Saints. Compiled and edited by Rev. Maurus FitzGerald, O.F.M., this giant type book has a lovely brown imitation leather cover with a ribbon for convenient place-keeping and can be carried easily in a purse or pocket. With a helpful summary of our Catholic Faith, this useful prayer book will prove invaluable for making regular prayer easy and meaningful.
Do you want to introduce your kids to the richness of the Christian prayer tradition? The best way to do that is to pray with them, and now there's a beautiful collection of Catholic prayers and meditations designed just for that purpose: The Catholic Family Book of Prayers: A Treasury of Prayers and Meditations for Families to Pray Together. It's packed with prayers, blessings, meditations, saintly wisdom, and artwork--all selected specifically for Catholic families to pray together.
Christian Prayer from Catholic Book Publishing is the official one-volume edition of the internationally acclaimed Liturgy of the Hours. This regular edition of Christian Prayer contains the complete texts of Morning and Evening Prayer for the entire year. With its readable 10-pt. type, ribbon markers for easy location of texts, and beautiful two-color printing, this handy little one-volume Christian Prayer simplifies praying the official Prayer of the Church, the Liturgy of the Hours, for today\'s busy Catholic. Available with flexible maroon cover and with a current annual guide.
The Large Type Edition of Christian Prayer from Catholic Book Publishing is the official one-volume edition of the internationally acclaimed Liturgy of the Hours. This version of Christian Prayer contains the complete texts of Morning and Evening Prayer for the entire year but not music or the Office of Readings. Does include the Large Type Editions of the current St. Joseph Guide for Christian Prayer (Product Code: 407/G) and Inserts for Christian Prayer (Product Code 407/I). Additional copies of the current St. Joseph Guide for Christian Prayer (Product Code: 407/G) are available for $2.75 each. Printed in large, easy-to-read 14-pt. type, the Large Type Edition of Christian Prayer includes handy ribbon markers and is bound in flexible maroon simulated leather.
A daily reflection; Scripture or quote; and prayer for those who struggle with addiction, are in recovery, or are on their way to recovery. Complementing counseling, 12-Step meetings, or retreats, this book will offer encouragement to help bring you healing one day at a time--and with God's help, strengthen you to help others who battle addiction.
In a few short minutes, the Scripture quotes, passages from Church documents, and thoughts from the Saints which begin the days in this book will provide comfort and guidance for married couples as they seek to live their vocation to the fullest. A brief reflection and prayer complete this dynamic daily practice.
In these Scriptures, reflections, and prayers for each day, noted author, teacher, husband, and father Allan Wright provides just the right amount of encouragement and challenge to guide and inspire men of every age and way of life. His own family and faith struggles are certain to speak to those who take a few minutes each day to pray for themselves and others.
The Scripture, reflection, and prayer for each day are especially suited to every woman who longs to enjoy a freer, fuller, and more faith-filled life. Spending a few minutes with these uniquely feminine thoughts each day will help increase a woman's capacity to love and be loved as only a daughter of God can be.
Add this small book to the mix of tablets and smartphones that are daily accessories in every teen\'s life. The author, a father of 4 and a veteran high school teacher, talks the talk that will get their day off the fast track and onto the right track. In a matter of minutes they will read Scripture, a brief reflection, and a prayer that relates to their lives--friends, family, bullying, church, life choices. There is no proselytizing in these pages, no accusations or condemnations--only the repeated and clear message that Jesus loves them and wants to help them. This book comes with a lifetime guarantee: if they read it, He will come. Confirmation, Graduation, Birthday, any day--hands down, Daily Companion for Young Catholics is the right fit.
Every day we have another opportunity to pray for the holy souls in purgatory - author, speaker, and purgatory expert Susan Tassone gives you a unique tool to do just that.
Day by Day for the Holy Souls includes prayers, teachings about purgatory, real-life stories, Susan's own wisdom, meditations, quotes from the saints, and more. You can use this book however you like - as a daily devotional, as a year round novena, to follow the liturgical seasons - or, just pick it up and read as the Spirit leads you.
God has given us the duty, power and privilege of praying for the release of the holy souls. Now Susan Tassone has given you a powerful way to accomplish that mission.
Slovak version
Day by Day with St. Joseph from Catholic Book Publishing is a vital addition to the Spiritual Life Series. Sized for easy reading and transport, this inspiring book brings the reader closer to St. Joseph through daily minute-long meditations which include a Scripture passage, a brief reflection, and a concluding prayer to St. Joseph. Day By Day with St. Joseph was begun by Msgr. Joseph Champlin and completed by Msgr. Kenneth Lasch to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Catholic Book Publishing Corp. in 2011. It enriches the reader\'s relationship with St. Joseph by incorporating devotion to him into every day of the year. This beautiful volume is covered in brown imitation leather and has a ribbon for easy place-keeping.
Debut author and MOPS speaker Meredith Barnes invites all those who are weary, anxious, and searching for a better way to joyfully explore God's gift of time in this 60-day, Bible-based devotional.
Pressed for time? Frustrated when things don't go according to plan? Need to fit in one more thing? Time can often feel like something we have to beat or make the most of! Our love-hate relationship with time is unavoidable. Whether we have just enough time or feel like it's moving too slow, it can be a struggle to be at peace with schedules and clocks and the notion that "time is ticking."
What if we nurtured and improved our relationship with time? What if we recognized calm and peaceful thoughts throughout each day? What if we restructured our relationship with time and adopted God's view? From His perspective, our heavenly Father invites us to celebrate each day, each hour, and every minute as a gift!
For anyone trying to make the most of their time, Meredith Barnes explores God's Word and how biblical themes relate to our personal sense of time. As a mother of three young boys, Meredith understands what a precious commodity time is--with her family, herself, her friends, and most importantly her Savior!
Within the pages of Every Day Holy, readers are encouraged to examine their own use of time and discover God's desire for us to rest in His plan.
By spending time in the presence of God with the thoughtful devotions in Every Day Holy, you will enjoy:
Each of the daily meditations in this popular daily devotional features a text from Sacred Scripture, a quotation from the writings of a Saint, and a meaningful prayer. It includes an introduction by Rev. Frederick Schroeder that offers insights into the power of prayer.
This book is attractively illustrated, printed in two colors, and includes a handy ribbon marker that makes it easy to keep one's place in this daily companion.There has been no greater promoter of the family Rosary than Venerable Patrick Peyton. The "Rosary priest" dedicated his life to the Blessed Mother and the devotion most commonly prayed for her intercession.
In The Family that Prays Together Stays Together, you and your loved ones will pray the Rosary along with Peyton, immersing yourselves into the rhythms and themes of this prayer, deepening your relationship with Mary, and intensifying your bond with her Son, Jesus Christ.
"The family that prays together stays together."
Peyton shared this motto with millions worldwide through radio, television, and his famous Rosary rallies as he spread devotion to pray the Rosary together as a family. This book carries on Peyton's legacy and will help you and your loved ones work through each of the four sets of mysteries by reciting one decade a day for a month.
Each weekday includes
Each week you will encounter a new mystery of the Rosary--Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful, or Glorious. From Monday through Friday, you will pray one decade a day; on Saturday, you will pray the entire Mystery together; and on Sunday, you will record in the book your insights, joys, concerns, or intentions from the week to take to Mass.
Whether you are new to the Rosary or have been praying it your whole life, this book will help you approach this ancient prayer with the enthusiasm and love of one of its greatest advocates. With your prayer guided by Peyton, you will discover strength and peace in a renewed connection with God through Mary, our Mother of Grace.
Includes How to pray the Rosary, how to practice the First Saturday Devotion, Rosary meditations of St. L. De Montfort, Seven Sorrows of Our Lady, Devotion to Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Litany to the Blessed Virgin Mary, Christmas Prayer, the powerful Thirty Days Prayer, Fatima Prayers, the Rosary in Latin, Consecration to the Blessed Virgin Mary and so much more!
St. Louis de Montfort, in the introduction to his famous work, True Devotion to Mary, exclaimed: We must still say with the saints: De Maria numquam satis: We have still not praised, exalted, honoured, loved and served Mary adequately. She is worthy of even more praise, respect, love and service.
In this prayer book that is perfect for pockets or small hands, little children will learn both time-honored and new prayers that express our Catholic Faith. This booklet features traditional full-color illustrations that capture a simple sweetness. 80 copies fit nicely in a compact display.
By Fr. Francis (Rocky) Hoffman.
Relevant Radio.
The Forge is the third collection of St. Josemaría’s refreshingly brief but profoundly weighty reflections and meditations on how to live the Christian life to its absolute fullest.
Like The Way and Furrow, it gives you practical and pointed material for meditation that will help you take your spiritual responsibilities more seriously and move ever closer to the all-consuming forge of God’s love.
St. Josemaría wrote these 1,055 aphorisms, observations, and exhortations in order to enkindle within you a desire for holiness and apostolate.
Like The Way, Furrow is the fruit of St. Josemaría's rich interior life and extensive experience as a pastor. Aphoristic and perfect for meditation, Furrow was written in order to encourage and ease personal prayer. These 1000 points for spiritual reflection are directed toward the whole human person: body and soul, nature and grace. With the skillful hand of an experienced and holy priest, St. Josemaría interweaves the divine and human and helps you see how to bring them into harmony in your own life.
This book in the Spiritual Life Series sets forth inspiring prayers for the healing of soul and body. Each day contains a specific Scripture quotation, reflection, and prayer to facilitate healing in one's life. Printed and illustrated in two colors.