Lenten Books
In the tradition of his popular Bible study devotional The Better Part, Fr. John Bartunek offers these stirring meditations to guide you in the way of mental prayer―the prayer of the saints. This practical companion will help you actively engage in this essential form of prayer and cultivate a true friendship with Christ. It will also teach you to rest in God’s love and receive healing, grace, peace, and joy during this sacred season.
Fr. Bartunek’s brief, power-packed reflections, focusing on Lenten themes from true fasting to carrying your cross to overcoming fear and temptation, will help you structure your prayer, grow in faith, and experience renewal. They will also enable you to follow the Holy Spirit’s lead along the path to holiness, encounter the Real Presence of our Lord more fully, and cultivate a greater love of neighbor in your heart. Features include:
- A three-step guide to daily mental prayer with short explanations
- The “Five-R method” for meditative prayer (Who knew it could be so easy?)
- Daily inspirations from Scripture and the saints to stir your thirsty heart in prayer
- Reflections to help you develop a truly personal relationship with God
- Introspective questions to help you converse with God and “go deeper” in your faith journey
- Tips for persevering in prayer during difficult times and making resolutions
Every saint and renowned spiritual director throughout the ages has said the same thing: if we desire to become saints, we must spend time daily in meditation. This life-changing book will irrigate the soil of your soul and enliven your faith, giving you a heightened spiritual maturity and a greater share in the abundant life. This volume―the first of three―also contains a resource list, including a video series, for further spiritual direction and support.
There's a multitude of Lenten meditation books but only one that's packed with the wisdom of St. Thomas Aquinas. Journey through Lent with the Church's greatest philosopher-theologian. This unrivaled spiritual master will guide you in encountering Our Lord and experiencing the type of fruitful Lent that he often experienced.
You will relish this magnificent treasury of sixty-three of Aquinas's Scripture-based sermons specially selected for the holy season. From Ash Wednesday to Holy Saturday, you'll learn how to deepen your prayer life, conquer temptation, resist the evils incurred by sin, and equip yourself for spiritual battle.
In the straightforward, logical language for which he is famous, Aquinas shows you how to detach yourself from the things of this world and refocus on the things above, reflecting on Our Lord and Our Lady as models.
You will learn the importance of fasting to the preservation of chastity and how to perform acts that will increase your humility and purity. As you contemplate the example of Our Lord on the Cross, Aquinas will help you weed out vices and cultivate virtues to prepare for the joys of Heaven.
Let the Angelic Doctor assist you in overcoming idleness and fostering a deeper devotion with stirring reflections on:
Ways in which the Blood of Jesus is precious and salvific
The confidence we should place in Our Divine Friend, even in sickness, suffering, and pain
How Our Lady suffered and how she personifies charity, patience, humility, obedience, and detachment
Why the pain suffered by Our Lord was the greatest pain possible in this life
Jesus' fourfold humiliation on the Cross -- and the fourfold exaltation it merited Him
How Christ manifested all virtues on the Cross, the "pulpit from which He taught all mankind"
Also included are forgotten or little-known traditional feast days, such as the feast of the Holy Lance and the Nails of Our Lord and the feast of the Holy Winding Sheet.
You will find rich meditations on Christ's Passion and reflections for each day of Holy Week. Best of all, you will discover the greatest love story of all time: the Father who offered His only Son, and the Son who underwent every suffering and sacrificed His life for our redemption.
There’s a multitude of Lenten meditation books but only one that’s packed with the wisdom of St. Thomas Aquinas. Journey through Lent with the Church’s greatest philosopher-theologian. This unrivaled spiritual master will guide you in encountering Our Lord and experiencing the type of fruitful Lent that he often experienced.
You will relish this magnificent treasury of sixty-three of Aquinas’s Scripture-based sermons specially selected for the holy season. From Ash Wednesday to Holy Saturday, you’ll learn how to deepen your prayer life, conquer temptation, resist the evils incurred by sin, and equip yourself for spiritual battle.
In the straightforward, logical language for which he is famous, Aquinas shows you how to detach yourself from the things of this world and refocus on the things above, reflecting on Our Lord and Our Lady as models.
You will learn the importance of fasting to the preservation of chastity and how to perform acts that will increase your humility and purity. As you contemplate the example of Our Lord on the Cross, Aquinas will help you weed out vices and cultivate virtues to prepare for the joys of Heaven.
Let the Angelic Doctor assist you in overcoming idleness and fostering a deeper devotion with stirring reflections on:
- Ways in which the Blood of Jesus is precious and salvific
- The confidence we should place in Our Divine Friend, even in sickness, suffering, and pain
- How Our Lady suffered and how she personifies charity, patience, humility, obedience, and detachment
- Why the pain suffered by Our Lord was the greatest pain possible in this life
- Jesus’ fourfold humiliation on the Cross - and the fourfold exaltation it merited Him
- How Christ manifested all virtues on the Cross, the "pulpit from which He taught all mankind"
Also included are forgotten or little-known traditional feast days, such as the feast of the Holy Lance and the Nails of Our Lord and the feast of the Holy Winding Sheet.
You will find rich meditations on Christ’s Passion and reflections for each day of Holy Week. Best of all, you will discover the greatest love story of all time: the Father who offered His only Son, and the Son who underwent every suffering and sacrificed His life for our redemption.
God wants to give us more. This daily prayer resource will help readers discover what it is that God is offering them this coming Lent. Each day, they’ll get:
- a word,
- a scripture passage,
- a short meditation,
- and a prayer prompt
These will guide them to rediscover a lived personal relationship with God as they journey through Lent.
This companion is accompanied by supplemental videos that can be found online as well as on the Ascension Lenten Companion DVD.
- Paperback
- 108 pages
- Matte lamination cover
Bienvenido, Jesús Resucitado ofrece una reflexión bíblica y una dinámica para todos los días de Cuaresma que anima a las familias a PENSAR, DAR, AYUNAR Y ORAR. Estas dinámicas ayudarán a su familia a que durante la Cuaresma incluyan la Escritura y la meditación en su vida cotidiana. Con el pasar de los domingos, su fe se irá fortaleciendo e irán descubriendo el verdadero significado de este periodo.
Welcome Risen Jesus
Lenten and Easter Reflections for Families
Welcome Risen Jesus offers daily reflections and thoughts that encourage families to THINK, PRAY, ACT based on words from Scripture. These exercises are designed to engage your household during the Lenten season by tying Scripture and reflection to your daily life. With each passing Sunday, your family's faith will grow stronger, and the true meaning of this season will be discovered.
"The Let's Learn About" series is designed for elementary-school aged children, covering important aspects of our Catholic Faith! "Let's Learn about Lent" teaches children the significance and meaning of the season of Lent. Beautifully illustrated in full color, this book is a wonderful way to help children understand the importance of this very special season.
"The merciful Lord has given us one more year. Let us take it seriously as the last chance. We should not take the risk of delaying." -- Joseph Cardinal Zen
Lent is a time of preparation and renewal through prayer, mortification, and charity. With candor and compassion, Joseph Cardinal Zen of Hong Kong explains how you can open your heart to grow in love of God to make this your most fruitful Lent ever. These eighteen Lenten meditations, collected from His Eminence's homilies and pastoral letters during a time of social and political tension, will fortify you to face the temptations that beset you so as to choose consistently the light of life.Also included are thirteen stirring Easter themed reflections. With Cardinal Zen journeying with you, you will find the path to healing amid suffering and discover as never before the glory of resurrected love.
In this volume, you will discover:
These beautifully crafted reflections will give you renewed fervor in your devotion to Jesus, our Savior, who wants to take you to a higher level. You will find out how to live in true imitation of the Good Shepherd and how to love your neighbor with a mother's heart. Through Cardinal Zen's wisdom, thought-provoking questions, and unique perspective, you will see as never before how Jesus' messages in the Gospels affirm the dignity of the human person.
As His Eminence reveals the mystery of the cross, you will learn what it means to have the faith of a child and experience the comfort and tenderness of the Holy Spirit, especially in times of persecution and suffering. You will also perceive the steps to take to follow God's call, and, with the man healed of blindness, come to say, "I went, I washed, I was able to see."
Celebrating Lent
One of 101 titles in the St. Joseph Picture Book Series, this book by popular author Rev. Jude Winkler, OFM. Conv. helps children understand the holy season of Lent, the time of preparation for Jesus' Resurrection on Easter Sunday.
Lent is a special time in the Catholic Church that helps us get ready and prepare spiritually for Easter, the day we celebrate Jesus' resurrection from the dead. Lent lasts for 40 days and begins on Ash Wednesday. It is a time for us to think about how much Jesus loves us and how He gave His life to save us from sin. We have opportunities to detach from worldly things to attach ourselves more firmly to God.
During Lent, we try to grow closer to God by praying more, doing kind things for others, and giving up something we like or enjoy. This is called sacrifice, and it helps us remember the sacrifices Jesus made for us. People often give up treats like candy or screen time, or they might choose to help others more by doing chores or being extra kind. Throughout this beautifully illustrated book, your child will learn about fating, prayer and the Stations of the Cross among other Lenten practices.
One of the important parts of Lent is fasting. On Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, Catholics 14 years and older eat smaller meals and avoid eating meat as a way to practice self-control and to feel a little bit of the hunger that many people in the world experience every day. On Fridays during Lent, Catholics also avoid eating meat.
Lent is also a time to think about the choices we make and to say sorry for our sins. We can go to confession, where we tell God we are sorry for any wrongs we have done and receive His forgiveness.
The 40 days of Lent remind us of the 40 days Jesus spent in the desert praying and preparing for His mission. By the end of Lent, we have hopefully grown closer to God and are ready to celebrate Easter, which is the greatest feast of the Church. It's a time to rejoice because Jesus rose from the dead and gives us the hope of eternal life with Him!
Topics explained in this title include:
We invite you to view other titles in this series here: https: //catholicbookpublishing.com/browse/st-joseph-picture-books
Embark on a prayer journey to draw closer to the Lord and make room in your heart for Easter joy!
During the forty days of Lent, the Church helps us prepare our hearts for the great feast of Easter. MagnifiKid! Daily Lenten Journey invites you to follow a daily liturgical reading and offers ways for you to grow in holiness and faith through fasting, prayer, and almsgiving.
Designed to be used individually or as a support for family and community prayer, each day Magnifikid! Daily Lenten Journey features an opening reflection, a Scripture reading from daily Mass, intercessions, and small self-giving steps toward Easter.
Download the printable summary guide to participation in the Easter Mystery HERE.
If you're unhappy because the Mass has become for you routine â " or even boring and tedious â " these pages are for you. They teach you eight simple ways to make your every Mass a joyful time of piety and intense devotion.
Explaining the spiritual meanings behind the signs and symbols, words and actions of the Mass, author Christopher Carstens teaches you spiritually-enriching ways to enter the church building, make the Sign of the Cross, pray the Opening Prayer, listen to the Readings, prepare your soul at the Offertory, participate in the Eucharistic Prayer, receive Communion, and even respond to the Dismissal.
Soon â " with the help of author Carstens wise suggestions â " you will be surprised to find each Eucharistic Celebration a fountain of peace for you, a profound refreshment for your soul.
Among other things you'll learn from these pages:
Plus, at the end of each chapter, a list of action items for the next time you go to Mass, and much, much more to awaken in you the bright spirit of joyful devotion that we are all called to have at Mass.
Bishop Serratelli invites you to journey with those who were with Jesus in His last hours. You may be like Peter one day, and like Judas, Simon, Mary Magdalene, or Our Lady on another. This Lenten book provides a deeper appreciation for God\'s eternal saving love. The author weaves Scripture and history so seamlessly that you feel the pain and betrayal of Our Lord and truly appreciate what He has done for you and how precious is His love.
- Daily readings with scriptures, meditations, and prayers, beautiful edited by Greg Pennoyer and Gregory Wolfe
- One beloved spiritual writer featured each week
Introduction: Fr. Ronald Rolheiser, OMI
Shrove Tuesday and the First Week of Lent: Richard Rohr, OFM
Second Week of Lent: Lauren F. Winner
Third Week of Lent: Scott Cairns
Fourth Week of Lent: James Schaap
Fifth Week of Lent: Luci Shaw
Holy Week and Easter: Kathleen Norris
- Studies throughout the forty days on "The Feasts and Fasts of Lent" by Beth Bevis
On the night before His death, His betrayer already at work, our Lord lifted a simple chalice in a world covered in darkness. Elevating it, He sealed for eternity a new covenant between God and man, imparting to us the gift of His Body and Blood.
In these sublime meditations on the events of Holy Thursday, Nobel laureate François Mauriac reminds us of the ineffable value of the gift given us that evening in the Upper Room: the Eucharist, present still in the tabernacles of the world...where Christ waits patiently for us to visit Him, pray with Him, and receive fullness of life from Him.
To read these stirring pages is to rejoice again in the fact that Christ has not left us orphans. He remains with us at all times in the Eucharist, without which we can never attain true peace. As Mauriac notes, "No man knows himself, if he has not looked at his soul in the light of the Host lifted above the ciborium."
Come, then, into the heart of this m
This soul stirring collection takes readers on an immersive experience, guiding them hour by hour through the poignant moments of Jesus Christ's Passion from the heart wrenching agony in the garden to the triumphant Resurrection. Each hour is captured through exquisite poetry that delves deep into the emotions and significance of that moment, inviting readers to reflect, meditate, and connect with the profound story of redemption.Alger's stunning full color illustrations, crafted exclusively for this Devotional, breathe life into the words and enhance the spiritual experience. 'Imagine The Passion' is more than a book;it's a companion for Lent, aves sel for contemplation, and a source of inspiration as we walk alongside Jesus on his journey of love and sacrifice."
Lent can be a time of bearing heavy burdens, of carrying the worries, pains, and sorrows that weigh on our hearts. Joyce Rupp reminds us that even though we may feel alone during these times of personal distress, we have the loving, empathetic, and ever-present companionship of Jesus by our side.
In Jesus, Companion in My Suffering, Rupp--bestselling author of several books on grief, loss, and suffering, including Praying Our Goodbyes and Jesus, Friend of My Soul--will guide you to see Jesus not only as someone who understands deeply what you have experienced but also as a teacher whose wisdom you can apply to your own life. By allowing Jesus to accompany you in times of trial, Rupp says, you'll be encouraged to move toward more compassion for yourself and others.
For each of the forty days of Lent, Rupp offers a brief reflection on a story from the life of Jesus, applying his actions and teachings to our own experiences. She also includes a prayer and daily intention that invites us to spiritual growth and to reach fuller depths in our faith. Questions for personal reflection or group discussion are included.
John Rybolt, CM, matches passages from St. Vincent's meditative writings with seasonal reflections and prayers. Through the Apostle of Charity's words and thoughts, we are led to a greater love for all, especially the poor. Let St. Vincent's wisdom inspire you to free yourself of the burdens and temptations of this world, so that you, too, may be ready to serve. Each entry includes a quote from St. Vincent, a scripture verse, a prayer, and a action all in keeping with the daily wisdom.
Make Lent and Holy week even more meaningful with brief daily meditations that will help focus on Our Lord's passion and resurrection alongside his mother, Mary. Focusing on various themes from self-control to generosity, you will be brought into a deeper relationship with Jesus. Each daily meditation includes Scripture, a question to think about or act to consider, and a short prayer to the Blessed Mother.
Make Lent and Holy Week even more meaningful with brief daily meditations that will help you focus on Our Lord's passion, death, and resurrection. Scripture readings, personal reflection, a question to ponder or an act to consider, and a short prayer to Saint Joseph are sure to lead you to a deeper relationship with Jesus and his foster father, Joseph.
St. Joseph Coloring Books
The St. Joseph Coloring Books are a magnificent series of Catholic Coloring Books that will help children begin learning their Faith.
This title features:
Since our happiness in this life depends largely on our being able to love others – as Christ reveals to us every Easter – then Lent is a precious time for Christians to draw close to the truth and meaning of their lives. Drawing from his homilies and addresses, this booklet offers Pope Benedict’s liberating insights into fasting, prayer, suffering, love, peace, sacrifice, hope and above all the Resurrection and the life of the Holy Spirit; - a valuable companion from Ash Wednesday to Pentecost Sunday.
From breads to stews to omelets and desserts, award-winning chef and former Vatican Swiss Guard David Geisser returns with 75 new international recipes that were specially conceived for the penitential season of Lent. From delicious soups and salads to zesty curries and classic Lenten staples, Chef Geisser offers here a uniquely Catholic way of celebrating the Lenten season in your home each year.
Much more than a cookbook, this first-ever guidebook for mealtimes in Lent features essays from acclaimed biblical scholar Scott Hahn, who reflects on the history of fasting and its integral role in our personal spiritual growth. Hahn guides you on how to practice a holy Lent that will enable you to return your focus to Christ, and how to carry the unique and extraordinary joys of Lent forward into the rest of the year. You'll also learn of forgotten Catholic traditions and timeless customs, such as St. Martin's Lent, Ember Days, and Rogation Days and how you can apply these time-honored periods of grace to your spiritual life today. Here's a culinary masterpiece that is a must-have for any Catholic and an ideal gift for a loved one's kitchen or coffee table. It also includes:From breads to stews to omelets and desserts, award-winning chef and former Vatican Swiss Guard David Geisser returns with 75 new international recipes that were specially conceived for the penitential season of Lent. From delicious soups and salads to zesty curries and classic Lenten staples, Chef Geisser offers here a uniquely Catholic way of celebrating the Lenten season in your home each year.
Much more than a cookbook, this first-ever guidebook for mealtimes in Lent features essays from acclaimed biblical scholar Scott Hahn, who reflects on the history of fasting and its integral role in our personal spiritual growth. Hahn guides you on how to practice a holy Lent that will enable you to return your focus to Christ, and how to carry the unique and extraordinary joys of Lent forward into the rest of the year. You’ll also learn of forgotten Catholic traditions and timeless customs, such as St. Martin’s Lent, Ember Days, and Rogation Days and how you can apply these time-honored periods of grace to your spiritual life today.
Here’s a culinary masterpiece that is a must-have for any Catholic and an ideal gift for a loved one’s kitchen or coffee table. It also includes:
- Scores of meatless dishes that are both simple and savory
- Nearly 50 pages of exclusive content from Scott Hahn on the Lenten season
- Over a dozen meals ideally suited for those pursuing a rigorous Lent
- Several variations on the traditional Lenten hot-cross bun recipe
- Inspiring Scripture verses and quotes from the saints to keep you on track this Lent.
Join Fr. Agustino Torres, CFR--founder of Corazón Puro--on a multimedia Lenten journey inspired by St. Francis. Begin the season with a vow of poverty and end at Easter with a heart free from the desert of sin and open to love, serve, and care for others.
Made for Heaven features stunning original art by Valerie Delgado of Pax.Valerie, along with daily meditations on a passage from scripture, reflection questions, prayer, and space for journaling and notetaking.
A life of simplicity and poverty orients you toward God's love and reminds you that you are made for heaven. Torres says the best way to prepare yourself for that final destination is to live as true pilgrims who need to "travel lightly" and detach from earthly pleasures. In six transformative weeks, you will learn how to allow the Holy Spirit to move in your heart through a new theme each week:Made for Heaven is perfect for both individual and group use. Free companion videos and a downloadable leader's guide are available at avemariapress.com. The book and other resources are also available in Spanish.
"It is not merely penance that the Church asks of us during Lent. It is extra prayer."
Some preachers are more notable than others. Fr. Gerald Vann, O.P., was ordained in 1929 at the remarkable age of twenty-three in a Dominican Order known for its careful discrimination about its candidates. Despite fame both in his native England and in the United States, his brilliant and accessible writing has largely disappeared from view.
Of great significance is this compendium of Lenten inspirations. In seven chapters marked by originality and striking clarity, Fr. Vann gets under the rind and into the heart of every aspect of Christ's Passion. You'll learn:
What the Agony in the Garden tells us about our own struggles, sorrows, and sins
What Christ's betrayal reveals about the depth of our love, faith, and devotion
How the scourging teaches us to rule our flesh, rather than letting it rule us
How we can replicate the stillness of Mary in our lives
Ways we can prepare for and withstand the Valley of the Shadow of Death
What the difference between the two thieves teaches us about the glory of God
How, through the sorrow of God, the world is renewed
Fr. Vann emphasizes that in neither our spiritual lives nor our lives in the world can we ignore a crucial aphorism that will play a role in determining our destiny: "the importance of small things." He draws out a plan for noticing, appreciating, and prospering from these simple treasures.
“It is not merely penance that the Church asks of us during Lent. It is extra prayer.”
Some preachers are more notable than others. Fr. Gerald Vann, O.P., was ordained in 1929 at the remarkable age of twenty-three in a Dominican Order known for its careful discrimination about its candidates. Despite fame both in his native England and in the United States, his brilliant and accessible writing has largely disappeared from view.
Of great significance is this compendium of Lenten inspirations. In seven chapters marked by originality and striking clarity, Fr. Vann gets under the rind and into the heart of every aspect of Christ’s Passion. You’ll learn:
What the Agony in the Garden tells us about our own struggles, sorrows, and sins
What Christ’s betrayal reveals about the depth of our love, faith, and devotion
How the scourging teaches us to rule our flesh, rather than letting it rule us
How we can replicate the stillness of Mary in our lives
Ways we can prepare for and withstand the Valley of the Shadow of Death
What the difference between the two thieves teaches us about the glory of God
How, through the sorrow of God, the world is renewed
Fr. Vann emphasizes that in neither our spiritual lives nor our lives in the world can we ignore a crucial aphorism that will play a role in determining our destiny: “the importance of small things.” He draws out a plan for noticing, appreciating, and prospering from these simple treasures.
This absorbing account provides you with an intimate look at the sufferings of Our Lord through the minds and hearts of those closest to Him. You'll see Jesus through the eyes of His apostles, of those who condemned Him, of His executioners, and of those He met along the way of the Cross. Drawing from historical research, culture, and his own profound spiritual insights, Archbishop Alban Goodier, S.J., masterfully intersperses scriptural accounts and narration to bring the Passion of Jesus fully to life.
You will be moved by subtle observations, emotions, and actions swirling around Jesus as He endures His most terrible and triumphant moments. You will come to understand Judas Iscariot's thoughts and motives in betraying Jesus, St. John's personal intuitions about the agony of Jesus' Heart, St. Peter's impetuousness, and Jesus' unconditional love.
As he guides you through this introspective contemplation of the Gospels, Fr. Goodier reveals Jesus' thoughts, feelings, and actions and explains the sufferings Jesus felt in His soul.
Most significantly, you will see who Jesus is for you and who He longs you to be both for Him and for others. We need "active compassion," explains Archbishop Go(more...)
Sometimes a pause is good for the soul. It gives us the chance to regroup, reflect, and refocus on God.
In Pauses for Lent, Trevor Hudson offers a beautifully minimalist book in which he focuses on one word for each day of Lent. You are invited to pause, focus on the word, read a scripture and a brief meditation related to the word, and then offer a prayer.
Pausing in this way will help you carve out time for God and refresh your spirit even in the midst of a busy life. You may find yourself sensing God's presence in a new way and discovering that God wants to meet you in the midst of your life as it is, muddles and all.
St. Alphonsus Liguori's Stations of the Cross are the most popular and best loved in our Catholic tradition. Here is the guide that you need to bestow this powerful and essential devotion on children, faithfully, using the time-tested method of this great saint.
Charming Catholic friends Fulton and Cynthia return in this enthralling comic book to take children back in time to walk the way of our Lord's Cross. The glorious and endearing Lego-set photos will help readers of all ages to enter into these classic meditations on Jesus' Passion and death in an entirely new way.
Every time you pray these Stations, you will truly understand the abundant love that Jesus has for you. Through the sacred scenes, full-color illustrations, and revealing dialogue, children will draw ever closer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Features include:
This handy, pocket-size companion will help you and your family meditate on the sufferings of our Lord more often and be more willing to unite your struggles with His for the salvation of souls. A Pocket Guide to the Stations of the Cross is an ideal gift for classes and all the children in your life.
This Lenten devotional features an overview of Lent, providing background and insights on the three disciplines of prayer, fasting and almsgiving, along with examples of each.
The season of Lent calls us to deep reflection as we journey into the desert with Jesus to encounter our own sin and temptation. With a unique focus on the Lenten readings, this booklet offers over 50 questions to explore our daily habits, choices, and actions throughout this penitential season and beyond. This powerful examination of conscience will help prepare our hearts and minds to experience the fullness of the Paschal Mystery the crucifixion, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Reorient your mind and heart this Lent so you can more fully experience the joy of Easter--Christ's victory over sin and death.
In this beautiful guided journal for prayer and meditation, Fr. John Burns--author of the bestselling and award-winning book Adore--invites you to strip away your confusion, attachments, and sin so you can return to the Lord and undergo real and lasting conversion.
In the liturgy's first reading on Ash Wednesday, the prophet Joel call us to wholehearted conversion: "Even now, says the Lord, return to me, with your whole heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning, rend your hearts, not your garments, and return to the Lord, your God" (Jl 2:12-13).
Each week throughout Lent, Burns breaks down these two verses:
Then, during Holy Week and the Resurrection on Easter, you are invited to weave your own stories into that of the Paschal Mystery.
Burns uses the opening prayer of each day's Mass--called the Collect--as a starting point for your meditations through the forty days leading up to Easter Sunday. He also focuses on the traditional Lenten practices of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, which come together as our sacred penance during this solemn season, and ultimately lead us to heaven.
Each day of Return includes the prayer from the Collect, an inspiring meditation, thought-provoking reflection questions, and a prayer. There's plenty of space for journaling as well.
Return features stunning original art by Josiah Henley of Heart of IESVS. Free weekly companion videos, a downloadable discussion guide, and other resources make this book perfect for parish-wide, individual, and book club use leading up to Easter.
Experience the deep solemnity and joy of the sacred seasons of Lent and Easter
Each year Christians across the globe observe Lent and Easter, the holiest seasons of the church year. In this collection, the editors of Paraclete Press have gathered Scriptures and beloved writings by authors, poets, and saints, combined with reproductions of great works of Christian art. From the ancient words of the Bible, to works of Dostoyevsky, Louisa May Alcott, Henry Van Dyke, Oscar Wilde, Kierkegaard, and Gerard Manley Hopkins, to contemporary voices such as SAID, Scott Cairns, and Nikki Grimes, it is our prayer that these words and images will capture your heart, mind, and spirit, and help you to contemplate the love of Christ during these holy days of mystery and miracles.
Griffin is a trustworthy guide . . . She writes with the unmistakable authenticity and authority of a woman steeped in prayer."
- America
Join Emilie Griffin in this daily companion for the Lenten journey. Using ancient and modern texts as inspiration for her own reflections, Emilie Griffin nurtures and guides us into a deeper knowledge of ourselves and God. We discover that Lent is our chance for a fresh start,
and an opportunity to joyfully put ourselves in God's hands.
Lent is a time when we deepen our faith in a journey not of grand gestures but of small surrenders.
We are converted not only once in our lives but many times, and the conversion is little by little
and often imperceptible. But Lent gives us a time to move the process along, intentionally,
by a series of small surrenders. When we choose some exercise for Lent-daily worship, daily prayer, abstinence from one thing or another,
it is not so much the practice that transforms us, but it is our willingness to change. -from Small Surrenders
Stations of the Cross 978-0-89942-299-2
One of 101 titles in the St. Joseph Picture Book Series, this book by popular author Father Lovasik S.V.D., provides children with simple explanations of Stations of the Cross. The Stations of the Cross is a special journey many Christians take to remember the last hours of Jesus' life on Earth. It's a bit like a story that helps us understand how much Jesus loves us. This journey is usually marked by 14 different stops, called stations, each representing an important event that happened before Jesus died on the cross. Each station reminds us of Jesus' love and sacrifice, teaching us to be kind and loving to others.Understanding the Stations of the Cross is important for children for several reasons: Learning about the Stations helps children deepen their understanding of Jesus' love and sacrifice. It reinforces their faith and teaches them about the core beliefs of Christianity. Each station offers valuable moral lessons, such as compassion, perseverance, and the importance of helping others. Kids can learn to apply these lessons in their daily lives. The Stations of the Cross addresses suffering and hardship, helping children understand that experiencing difficulties is part of life. It teaches them to find hope and strength in challenging times. Knowing the Stations allows children to connect with their church community and family traditions. It provides a sense of belonging and shared beliefs, especially during Lent and Holy Week.
By meditating on Jesus' suffering, children can develop a sense of empathy for others who suffer. It encourages them to be more compassionate and caring towards those in need. Each station can prompt personal reflection and prayer, helping children to develop their own spiritual practices and a relationship with God. The Stations are an essential part of the Easter story, helping children see the connection between Jesus' suffering, death, and ultimately His resurrection.
In summary, the Stations of the Cross enrich children's spiritual lives, teach important values, and help them navigate their feelings and relationships with others. Among the features of this book are:
- Jesus is condemned to death.
- Jesus takes up His cross.
- Jesus falls the first time.
- Jesus meets His Blessed Mother.
- Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus carry the cross.
- Veronica wipes Jesus' face.
- Jesus falls the second time.
- Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem.
- Jesus falls the third time.
- Jesus is stripped of His clothes.
- Jesus is nailed to the cross.
- Jesus dies on the cross.
- Jesus' body is taken down from the cross.
- Jesus is laid in the tomb.
Stations of the Cross is an ideal gift for a child's First Holy Communion.
The St. Joseph Picture Books Series is a magnificent series of religious books for children, superbly illustrated in full color and simply written, that will help all children to better understand the Catholic Faith. These books are ideal for home or school.
St. Joseph Coloring Books
The St. Joseph Coloring Books are a magnificent series of Catholic Coloring Books that will help children begin learning their Faith.
This title features:
In this dramatized presentation of the Stations of the Cross, children of Jesus' era tell the story of their friend, who loved them and was so kind to them. The children follow Jesus on his road to Calvary and give their account of all the happenings on the journey. After each station, they meditate on how Jesus' suffering is relevant to the lives of all young people.
A story related by children for children.
On Good Friday 1991 in the Roman Colosseum, Pope John Paul II created new Stations of the Cross. He altered the fourteen traditional stations and added a fifteenth station on the Resurrection. All of the Stations His Holiness used were based on incidents in the Gospels.
Father Champlin adapts these historic stations--with their richly biblical approach--by featuring a short passage from the Gospel Passion narratives, a brief reflection, and a response adapted from the Psalms, set as a motet.
Winner of a first-place award for prayer books from the Association of Catholic Publishers and honorable mentions for design and first-time authors from the Catholic Media Association.
Contemporary Catholic artist Jen Norton offers a unique opportunity to ponder the extravagant love of Christ through the Stations of the Cross. Combining Norton's powerful, full-color illustrations with scripture, her original reflections and prayers, and journaling space, Surrender All will help you encounter Christ's Passion in a new light.Full of passion, energy, and faith, Jen Norton's paintings have inspired believers from every walk of life. In this beautiful book, Norton takes you on a personal retreat, inviting you to walk with Jesus from the joy of Palm Sunday through the Stations of the Cross and to the glory of the Resurrection.
In each chapter you will find:
As you ponder each image and meditate through the day's readings and journaling prompts, you will find yourself surrendering to the Son of Man who offered himself up for us all.
Surrender All is a perfect prayer companion for adoration or holy hour, Lenten devotions, or personal prayer any time of the year.
Lent is the forty-day journey through the ultimate expression of self-sacrifice that our Savior endured for us. If this season doesn't create some lasting change in us, we've done it wrong.
Whether you're giving up chocolate (again) or just trying to figure out meatless Fridays, if you want to get the most out of each and every Lent, The Handy Little Guide to Lent is for you.